Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Passion ADD

Recently I am getting very antsy to do something. I don't know what, but I want to do something. Something that benefits those around me, something that could generate an income, something that helps others, something that feeds that little entrepreneur in me, something that wants me to take a little risk.

I seem to constantly teeter back and forth around things that I think could have potential business success, to things that have very little to do with business, but could help people. Then I throw in the thought of, I don't want to cheat my family by getting sucked into something that will consume too much of my time. I know an objective observer would say, "well why can't you just do both". That is the issue, if it was just 2 things I probably could, but in my current mindset I have dozens of ideas swimming in my head and having difficulty putting anything into action.

I call all this passion ADD. I must be passionate about things. I think we all have passions God has created within us. These passions are unique to us so we can carry out our purpose on earth. My passions seem to be all over the map. I realize that passions ebb and flow in our lives and can be very dependent on the stage of life we are in. Being 40 something, there are many unique things at this stage. I will have to blog about those in the near future. Stay tuned ....

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya man. I've been thinking the same thing. When I heard that a certain company wanted to change $300 just to look at a computer I couldn't believe it. I know its not a big deal, but its a little thing.
