Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cha Cha Changes

My wife has done it to me, my work place has done it to me, Life has done it to me, kids will do it to me all the time, and most recently Face Book has done it to me.

I am talking about changing what I am used to. Now I know change is good, change it healthy, change is "it just happens". Sometimes I don't like it, yet I am powerless to do anything about it. However I am empowered to respond to it.

"Who Moved My Cheese" is a great book everyone should read. It a book that addresses this topic in a very creative and effective way. Why is it so easy to observe someone else going through a change and immediately see what should be the best way to respond, yet when it comes to me, it requires much more thought and effort.

Take my lovely wife for instance, she loves to re-arrange the house or move the contents of drawers and cabinets. It usually takes me a year to quit going to old location when I am looking for something.

I know I am not the only one.